Download. On the MAMP Download page, find the version of MAMP for your machine. Note that a Mac computer can be either Intel chip or the Apple M1 chip, so you need the correct version for your machine.
Install. The install includes MAMP and MAMP PRO. You don't need MAMP PRO, so ignore it. The installer will have you move MAMP to your Applications folder. Once that's done, look inside the MAMP folder for the MAMP app. Open it, and you will see the user interface for choosing the server (either Apache or Nginx) and the PHP version (7.4 or 8.0). You can probably use either server, but choose Apache.
For our work, use PHP 7.4. PHP 8 will work in most cases if you are using current versions of our software. (WordPress 6.1 and CodeIgniter 3.1.13) Some features of WordPress and CodeIgniter will not work in PHP 8, so keep that in mind. MAMP will launch the servers (Apache and MySQL) when you click the "Start" button. It should also open the MAMP WebStart page in your browser. If not, click the Open WebStart Page link in the app.
WebStart Page. The WebStart page will have the details you need to get started. Look for the database user name ("root"), the database password ("root"), and the port numbers (8888 for web pages and 8889 for MySQL). You will need these details to make a database connection from PHP.
phpMyAdmin. From the WebStart page, click on the link to open phpMyAdmin, and you will be ready to make your first database table. That's the starting point for the JAMS. Click on the button below to begin.