COnvergent Media and Exploratory Technologies

COMET Lab is an applied research laboratory in the Department of Human-Centered Computing, Luddy School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI, where faculty and students work together to deliver web, mobile and interactive media solutions for a range of projects. These include projects submitted by units from the IUPUI campus, external organizations and the community at large.


100+! COMET Lab has over 100 members for Fall 2024

The COMET Lab now has over 100 members for the Fall 2024 Semester. Welcome, everyone! That’s a milestone and a challenge. Organizing the work of so many people will require a focus on management and teamwork. But, thanks to the foundational work of so many students — current and alumni — we are prepared. Welcome to Fall 2024!

COMET Events

Featured Project

Featured Program


The COMET Lab is developing Training Programs to develop skills we need, augment academic courses, and provide experiential learning. Learn more…

Featured Training

COMET Lab Project Management with GitHub

Prepared by: Hasaranga Jayathilake & Supraja Pericherla In the COMET lab, using GitHub for tracking the project activities assigned to each member may help to give real-world hands-on exposure to each member on how computer-based projects are managed in the industry. This webpage explains how to utilize the project management functions of GitHub for lab operations on managing the project. For a detailed understanding of the features that are available… Read More »COMET Lab Project Management with GitHub