About N413

Sign up for NEWM-N 413 Advanced Web Application Development by either registering or contacting your academic advisor. There are prerequisites: NEWM-N 315 or INFO-I211. However, these prerequisites can be waived by the instructor if you have equivalent experience from another course or a job. Or if you worked through a few of the JAMS and understand them. Contact the instructor here.

Class Meetings. The Fall Semester 2020 meeting times and details for N413 are Thursdays 3:00 p.m. to 5:40 p.m. in room IT 256. However, be aware that the COVID-19 situation could affect when and how the class meets. Please see the COVID-19 Information Page for the latest updates.

Undergraduate Students. You should either register or contact Undergraduate Advising to sign up. You will find course details for NEWM-N413 here.

Informatics Students can register for INFO-I400 Topics in Informatics, Section LEC 33442. You will find course details for INFO-I400 here.

Graduate Students. Graduate credit for N413 Advanced Web Application Development is through one of the "585" Seminar courses (NEWM-N585). The Section number for Fall 2020 is SEM 29589. Contact the Graduate Student Advisor for instructions about how to register. Graduate students will be required to meet a higher standard than undergraduates in the course to receive graduate-level credit.

You will find details on the NEWM-N585 Seminar courses here.