Project Set-up. You can continue working with any of the WordPress sites you set up previously, or you can start a new site. If you start a new site, I recommend naming it n413_sidebar. The instructions will assume you are using a new project. Set up a new database and do a fresh install of the Wordpress files, as explained in The INSTALL. Be sure to namespace the table names if you are adding this project to a database that already contains other projects.
Twenty Sixteen. The current versions of WordPress come with themes that do not have sidebars, so we will use an older theme, Twenty Sixteen, that does use sidebars on the right side of the main layout. Adding a sidebar to a theme that does not support sidebars, such as Twenty Twenty-One, is a more complex process, so we won't try to tackle that job here.
In the dashboard, go to Appearance>Themes and use the "Add New" option and search for Twenty Sixteen. Once it downloads, install it and click "Activate" to make it the active theme. Create a front page, as you did in The BLOG and add a few blog posts now.
Child Theme. Create a new child theme, just as you did for The CHILD. You will need to modify the style sheet header to point to the twentysixteen theme directory. The header should look like this:
/* Theme Name: Twenty Sixteen Child Theme URI: description: >- A child theme for Twenty-Sixteen and the N413/AMPJAM Sidebar Project Author: <your name> Author URI: Template: twentysixteen Version: 1.0.0 License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: Tags: right-sidebar Text Domain: twenty-sixteen-child */ /* Custom CSS goes after this line */
Borrow the index.php file from the twentysixteen theme directory, and create the functions.php file just as you did for The CHILD. You can copy the functions.php file from that project into this one.
If you created widgets in The WIDGET, copy those files and the PHP code in the functions.php file into the new project.
Be sure to activate the child theme in the Wordpress dashboard.
Adding the Sidebar to your Theme. The sidebar must be added to the PHP code for your theme. For this project, we want to create a special sidebar for only one part of the site, so we will modify only the pages that display single posts. The first step in the process is to create a customized sidebar template file for the child theme. Look in the twentysixteen theme directory and find the file named "sidebar.php". Copy this file into your child theme directory and rename it "sidebar-custom_sidebar.php". The file's script should look like this:
<?php /** * The template for the sidebar containing the main widget area * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Sixteen * @since Twenty Sixteen 1.0 */ ?> <?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) : ?> <aside id="secondary" class="sidebar widget-area" role="complementary"> <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ); ?> </aside><!-- .sidebar .widget-area --> <?php endif; ?>
The template file checks whether the sidebar is active (has widgets) and/or exists, and provides the necessary HTML markup around your sidebar for proper positioning. The dynamic_sidebar() function will draw the code for the sidebar and its widgets.
Simply drop in the id for the new sidebar ("custom_sidebar") in place of "sidebar-1" in the two functions. If you wish, you can modify the template header text to show that this is a custom sidebar for the child theme. The template text for this file is only informational.
The second step is to add the sidebar to a content page, using the WordPress get_sidebar() function. This will locate and load the sidebar template file. But first, we need to know which page to add the sidebar to. This is where some deeper understanding of how WordPress renders pages is useful. Take a quick look at the Template Hierarchy chart and its explanation in The HIERARCHY.
For our sidebar, we will place it on the page that draws individual posts. Trace out the path for single posts in the template hierarchy chart. Compare the chart listings with the files available in the twentysixteen theme directory. You should arrive at "single.php". Keep in mind that we never modify the theme directly. Instead, we will copy single.php to the child theme folder. WordPress will look for the file it needs in the child theme first. So our new copy of single.php will take priority over the Twenty Sixteen single.php. Now we can change it, break it, do anything we want, and the worst that can happen is we start over with a clean copy.
Single.php Have a look at the script for single.php and look for a few "landmarks":
get_sidebar() The second get_sidebar() function will get a file named sidebar.php if there is no argument provided to the function. If we provide a sidebar name as the argument, it will look for sidebar-{name}.php. If we insert 'custom_sidebar' as the argument, it will load our sidebar in just the right location -- assuming there are any widgets in the sidebar.
Widgets. Now, go to the WordPress dashboard, look for Appearance > Widgets and find the "Custom Sidebar". Drag a few widgets into it and edit the titles so you will recognize them in the sidebar. Use your "Hello World" Widget if you included it in this project.
Load the Home page for the project, and notice the that the standard sidebar is still shown there. It should have a "Recent Posts" widget that will link you to one of your blog posts. Once you load a blog post, you should see your custom sidebar display on the single-post page.
Congratulations! You now have a custom sidebar for your blog posts. You can use this method to put a special sidebar on any of your pages. You can even customize whether the sidebar is on the left or right of the #primary .content-area element, using customized CSS in your child theme. You can put sidebars below the posts or in the footer, if you choose. Anywhere you want to display a widget, you can insert a sidebar as the container. And you should now be seeing opportunities to start styling parts of the theme with CSS as you learn where the scripts for various components will be found.
Customizing Other Themes There are some special considerations for themes that are not already set up for sidebars, such as Twenty Twenty-One. The difficulty arises from the way the various HTML elements are distributed among the header, content, and footer files. In particular, Twenty Twenty-One places the opening container element, the #primary .content-area element, and the <main> element in the header.php file. It also closes these elements in the footer.php file.
This means that a sidebar that displays alongside the content in the main body of the page would need to be added to the footer file, after the close of the #primary .content-area element. (Along with some CSS changes for the #primary .content-area element.) And this change would happen on all the pages that use the footer file. If you needed the sidebar to only display on a particular page, you would need to make a special footer template file for that page, similar to the way the sidebar template was modified here.
It is possible to modify any theme, but some themes are set up in ways that make certain modificatiions easier than others. If you feel adventurous, try working with some different themes!