Heritage Map
Introduction: The Heritage Map project is a web and mobile platform focused on the black history of Indiana. The project aims to educate people about black heritage by displaying all the heritage sites of black history in Indiana.
User Persona: The target user of the Heritage Map project is anyone interested in learning about black history in Indiana. This includes tourists, researchers & historians, students & educators, activists, cultural enthusiasts, and local residents.
Current Situation: The current situation is that there is no centralized resource for people to learn about black heritage sites in Indiana. There are many individual websites and resources, but they are not organized in a way that makes it easy for users to discover and learn about all of the heritage sites.
Goals: The Heritage Map project aims to improve the user experience of discovering and learning about black heritage sites in Indiana, increase user engagement with the platform, and ultimately increase awareness and education about black history.
Scope: The project’s scope includes creating a user-friendly platform with a big database to host content and media for a large population. The platform should have search functionality, universal search, and a search engine, with results displayed on a map interface. Additionally, the maps should have zoom-in and out functionality, be mobile-friendly, and offer directions to the locations. Users should be able to add posts regarding a place, including location, type of place, media, and content, and send it to the admin for approval. The admin can then post, edit, or deny the request. The platform should provide users with predictions for new places and any nearby places that can be added as black heritage sites. The information on the page should have a timeline where users can see the history of the place, including when it was built and what happened over the years. Similar to Wikipedia, the information on the page should also include references.
Conclusion: The Heritage Map project is an important resource for people interested in learning about black heritage in Indiana. By improving the user experience of discovering and learning about black heritage sites in Indiana, we can increase awareness and education about black history and promote a more inclusive understanding of Indiana’s history.